IT-Teaching Lab

Welcome, we are the IT teaching laboratory of ETH Zurich.
On this website you will find everything about our projects and about ourselves.

The IT Teaching Lab at ETH Zurich offers services around the education of IT students and supports trainees as well as trainers.

apprentice teacher

A relaxed, disciplinary team of two vocational instructors who help their learners acquire the skills of a computer scientist with a hybrid solution between theoretical and practical work.

Marc Winkler

Marc Winkler

"My goal is to be able to provide you with a hands-on, exciting and well-rounded education.”

Marc Winkler

Marc Winkler

"Mein Ziel ist es, euch eine praxisnahe, spannende und vielseitige Ausbildung ermöglichen zu können."

Martin Schneider

Martin Schneider

"At the IT teaching lab, apprentices work on the basics in the demanding basic year,
to learn their complex profession and develop into successful young professionals."

Martin Schneider

Martin Schneider

"Am IT Lehrlabor erarbeiten sich die Lernenden im anspruchsvollen Basisjahr die Grundlagen,
um ihren komplexen Beruf zu erlernen und sich zu erfolgreichen Young Professionals weiterzuentwickeln."

Our Team

A very diverse, multicultural team that finds dynamic solutions to the most diverse problems with their differences.

IT Teaching Lab Location

HCP G 38.2

Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
8093 Zurich, Switzerland