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Daily routine

In this video you can see a short insight into our working life.


Network basics

Networks are the foundation for all IT services. And often one only realises the importance and scope of the network when it is not functioning properly

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing ist ein Modell, bei dem IT-Ressourcen wie Speicher, Rechenleistung, Netzwerke, Anwendungen und Dienste über das Internet bereitgestellt werden. Die Ressourcen werden in der Regel

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Virtual Machine

A virtual machine (VM) is a software environment that allows an operating system and other applications to be used on a computer. This means that a

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What is software development

Software development is the German word for software development. Software development is an important branch of computer science that deals with the creation, design, testing and

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WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL and is mainly used to create websites and blogs. It is the

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Python is an object-oriented, highly readable and commonly used programming language. It is mainly used for software development, web applications and analysis of data. Python is

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Powershell is a scripting language and command line developed by Microsoft. It is mainly used for automating tasks and managing systems and networks. Powershell is available

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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML is used to define the structure

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CSS has existed since 1997 and has been continuously developed. Today, CSS, like HTML, is one of the basic languages on the web and is considered

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What is coding?

Programming refers to the activity of creating computer programs. This is a sub-area of software development. Computer programmes are formulated with the help of a programming

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Network Servers

Network servers are powerful computers or devices that serve as a central repository to provide various shared resources such as hard disk space, hardware access, printer

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What is a database?

A database is an organised collection of structured information or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database

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What is a network?

Simply explained, a network is the connection of at least two computer systems. It can be connected either by cable or wirelessly via a radio link.

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Windows is a computer operating system from the Microsoft company. It was developed by Bill Gates and Paul Allen and launched on the market in November

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Linux is mainly used as an operating system for servers, but can also be used alongside Windows as an operating system for personal computers. As open

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Operating system

The operating system is not responsible for starting a device. However, the BIOS is connected upstream of the operating system, which is actually responsible for the

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